Memorandum of Agreement
All WSU facilities and housing employees, except most supervisors, work under the Memorandum of Agreement collectively bargained between WSU Local 6405 and Wichita State University. The contract can be opened fully for bargaining every 3 years, and can be opened for wages every year. Contract negotiations requires input and support from ALL employees.
All WSU facilities and housing employees, except most supervisors, work under the Memorandum of Agreement collectively bargained between WSU Local 6405 and Wichita State University. The contract can be opened fully for bargaining every 3 years, and can be opened for wages every year. Contract negotiations requires input and support from ALL employees.
2024-2027 Memorandum of Agreement

Click on the arrow in the upper right corner of the document to download it.
2019-2024 MEMORÁNDUM DE ACUERDO en Español